We’re two months into the new year and hopefully you’ve been able to stay with new year resolutions or business practices you put into place this year.  But it’s easy to fall back into old habits if you don’t have good systems in place. John and I just recently got back from Workbench Con where we did a presentation on business systems and we want to share that with you if you weren’t able to make it.  And today it’s going to be all about scheduling your time and managing your e-mail and documents.

LINKS (May contain Affiliate Links)

Google Doc Suite – https://docs.google.com/

John’s Inquiry form – https://www.metalandwood.us/contact


Join the MFP Patron Tribe: http://www.patreon.com/madeforprofit

Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/madeforprofittribe/

Guide to Pricing Handmade Goods: https://madeforprofit.com/pricingguide